
  • Opti­mi­sa­tion of grey­water recy­cling systems

    Opti­miza­tion and reha­bi­li­ta­tion of exis­ting external systems aiming at impro­ving the water quality and reduce main­ten­ance and energy costs. Diverse clients.

    since 2017
  • Green Moabit

    Develop a water concept within the Programme “Stadt­umbau West” in cooperation with Stadtbau Stadt­ent­wick­lungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH – http://​www​.stadt​ent​wick​lung​.berlin​.de/​s​t​a​e​d​t​e​b​a​u​/​f​o​e​r​d​e​r​p​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​e​/​s​t​a​d​t​u​m​b​a​u​/​S​a​n​i​e​r​u​n​g​s​m​a​n​a​g​e​m​e​n​t​-​G​r​e​e​n​-​M​o​a​b​i​t​.​7​8​8​3​.​0.html

    since 2017
  • BMBF: “CLIENT South Afrika – Joint Project EcoSUN“

    Decen­tra­lised water and energy manage­ment for struc­tu­rally weak rural regions using the example of South African commu­ni­ties (Fkz 02WCL1357B). Prac­tice partner of the Univer­sity of Potsdam and INTEWA GmbH – http://​ecosun​.com​.de/

    since 2016
  • Büro BLAU GmbH, Berlin

    A study within the field of action “Water” of the project “Zukunft­fä­higes Wirt­schaften auf der Mieren­dorff-Insel- Green Island” – https://​www​.berlin​.de/​b​a​-​c​h​a​r​l​o​t​t​e​n​b​u​r​g​-​w​i​l​m​e​r​s​d​o​r​f​/​a​k​t​u​e​l​l​e​s​/​p​r​e​s​s​e​m​i​t​t​e​i​l​u​n​g​e​n​/​2​0​1​5​/​p​r​e​s​s​e​m​i​t​t​e​i​l​u​n​g​.​3​7​5​9​19.php

  • District Office of Central Berlin

    Develop a concept for sustainable water manage­ment in Moabit West, Berlin.

  • mfi Shop­ping Center Manage­ment GmbH, Berlin

    A study “Resource Effi­ci­ency Water” for the shop­ping Center Gropius Passagen, Berlin.

  • Deut­sche Bundes­stif­tung Umwelt (DBU)

    Increase in energy yields during heat recovery from grey­water (F+E project AZ 32156–24/2).

  • LDB Loft und Design Bau GmbH & Co. KG, Leipzig

    Plan­ning of a water recy­cling system for „Kaiser­li­ches Postamt“ in Leipzig.

  • Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF)

    Roof Water-Farm” Project: Cross-sectoral water resources utili­sa­tion through buil­ding-inte­grated farm manage­ment. Joint rese­arch project within the BMBF rese­arch programme “Intel­li­gent and Multi­func­tional Infra­struc­ture Systems for a Sustainable Water Supply and Waste­water Disposal” (INIS). Prac­tice partner of Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Envi­ron­mental, Safety, and Energy Tech­no­logy UMSICHT, Ober­hausen – http://​www​.roof​wa​ter​farm​.com/​n​e​u​i​g​k​eiten/

show more
  • Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF)

    Urban Agri­cul­ture Casa­blanca (UAC) – “Urban Agri­cul­ture as an Inte­gra­tive Factor of Climate-Opti­mised Urban Deve­lo­p­ment, Casa­blanca”. German-Moroccan rese­arch project within the mega­city rese­arch programme “Rese­arch for the Sustainable Deve­lo­p­ment of Mega­ci­ties of Tomorrow”. Prac­tice Partner of the Asso­cia­tion for Rain­water Harve­s­ting and Water Utili­sa­tion (fbr) and the Tech­nical Univer­sity of Berlin.

  • SUSTAINUM Institut für zukunfts­fä­higes Wirt­schaften GmbH, Berlin

    Urban deve­lo­p­ment concept „Green Moabit” on behalf of the Berlin Senate Depart­ment for Urban Deve­lo­p­ment. Field of action: inno­va­tive water concepts/contracting.

  • Hamburger Stadt­ent­wäs­se­rung AöR

    Hafen­City – A study on decen­tra­lized grey­water recy­cling for Hafen­City Hamburg.

  • Grunow, Berlin

    Plan­ning, cons­truc­tion and opera­tion of a grey­water recy­cling system coupled to heat recovery from waste­water in a passive house in Berlin with 40 accom­mo­da­tion units.

  • Deut­sche Bundes­stif­tung Umwelt (DBU)

    Decen­tra­lised waste­water heat recovery from a grey­water recy­cling system (F+E Project AZ 28201).

  • Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für inter­na­tio­nale Zusam­men­ar­beit (GIZ) GmbH, Rabat

    Concep­tual study on the envi­ron­mental upgrading of buil­dings of the Water Depart­ment of the Secre­tary of State in charge of Water and the Envi­ron­ment (S.E.E.E.) in Rabat, Morocco with regard to water management.

  • ECOFYS GmbH, Cologne

    Beirut New Water­front – Sustaina­bi­lity study for the New Water­front District, Beirut, Lebanon inclu­ding LEEDS certification.

  • Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für inter­na­tio­nale Zusam­men­ar­beit (GIZ) GmbH, Amman

    Consul­ting expert in setting up guide­lines for indoor grey­water reuse and quality requi­re­ments for non-potable water for the Jorda­nian Ministry of Water and Irrigation.

  • Lokus GmbH, Berlin

    Cooperation in opera­tion and main­ten­ance of grey­water recy­cling systems in Berlin.

    since 2009
  • Pontos GmbH, Schiltach

    Public-Private-Part­ner­ship (PPP) Project in cooperation with the Jorda­nian Ministry of Water and Irri­ga­tion, Dead Sea Spa Hotel, GIZ and Pontos GmbH. Plan­ning, consul­ta­tion and rese­arch on grey­water pilot plants in Jordan. Trai­ning measures for instal­la­tion, main­ten­ance and operation.

  • Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF)

    Deve­lo­p­ment of tech­no­lo­gies for multiple water use, natural waste­water and faecal wastes disposal (in a so-called water house) for a commu­nity in South Africa.

  • Dessauer Straße 9–12 Kärn­terhof GmbH & Co.

    Inte­grated water concept Block 6 in Berlin/Kreuzberg. Rain­water manage­ment and grey­water recy­cling. Plan­ning, design and system opera­tion (selected site within the compe­ti­tion “365 Orte im Land der Ideen” and awarded by the Federal Presi­dent on 28.06.2009). In cooperation with the Berlin Senate Depart­ment for Urban Development.

  • District Office of Central Berlin

    Inves­ti­ga­tion studies on the sustainable reduc­tion of storm­water fees and consump­tion-depen­dent water tariffs in schools in Berlin.

    since 2005
  • Berlin Senate Depart­ment for Urban Development

    Mone­tary and non-mone­tary assess­ment of diffe­rent rain­water manage­ment concepts”. Deve­lo­p­ment of an expert system.

  • EU-MEDA Water Programme

    ZerO‑M Project: Sustainable Concepts Towards a Zero Outflow Muni­ci­pa­lity” (E8/AIDCO/2001/0515/597668). Financed by the Euro­pean Commis­sion. MEDA part­ners: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey.

  • Foun­da­tion of Nolde & Partner



  • Nolde, E. (2017). Die getrennte Erfas­sung von Grau­wasser – ein Weg zu mehr Ressour­cen­ef­fi­zienz in der Sied­lungs­was­ser­wirt­schaft. In: Wasser­in­fra­struk­turen für die zukunfts­fä­hige Stadt – Beiträge der INIS-Forschung. Deut­sches Institut für Urba­nistik gGmbH (Hrsg.), S. 114–119.
  • Bert­ling, R., Nolde, E. (2017). Entwick­lung, Aufbau und Betrieb einer Pilot­an­lage zur Herstel­lung von Flüs­sig­dünger aus Schwarz­wasser. In: Wasser­in­fra­struk­turen für die zukunfts­fä­hige Stadt – Beiträge der INIS-Forschung. Deut­sches Institut für Urba­nistik gGmbH (Hrsg.), S. 108–113.
  • DWA-Arbeits­gruppe KA‑1.6 (2017). Neuar­tige Sani­tär­sys­teme (NASS)- Eine Bilan­zie­rung von Nähr­stoffen, Ener­gie­ver­brauch und CO2-Emis­sionen, Korre­spon­denz Abwasser, Abfall, S. 1074–1082.
  • Nolde, E., et al. (2016). ROOF WATER-FARM: A Multi­di­sci­pli­nary Approach to Inte­grate Waste­water Reuse with Urban Agri­cul­ture. In: Stra­te­gies for 2020 and beyond. Kemi Adeyeye (Ed.), Centre for Advanced Studies in Archi­tec­ture, Univer­sity of Bath, UK, UK. pp. 235–245.
  • Nolde, E. (2014). Grey­water recy­cling in buil­dings. In: Water Effi­ci­ency in Buil­dings – Theory and Prac­tice. Kemi Adeyeye (Ed.), School of Envi­ron­ment and Tech­no­logy, Univer­sity of Brighton, UK. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., UK. pp. 169 ‑189.
  • Nolde, E. (2012). Ener­gie­ge­win­nung beim Grau­was­ser­re­cy­cling durch vorge­schal­tete Wärme­rück­gewinnung. In: Neue Wasser­in­fra­struk­tur­kon­zepte in der Stadt­pla­nung. NASS-Tage 6.–7. November 2012. DWA Deut­sche Verei­ni­gung für Wasser­wirt­schaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (Hsg), Hennef 2012. S: 151–161.
  • Nolde, E. (2007). Possi­bi­li­ties of rain­water utili­sa­tion in densely popu­lated areas inclu­ding preci­pi­ta­tion runoffs from traffic surfaces. Desa­li­na­tion, 127: 1–11.
  • Nolde, E. & Prinzler, A. 2007. Bewer­tung unter­schied­li­cher Maßnahmen – Regen­was­ser­nut­zung und Wirt­schaft­lich­keit. Spek­trum Gebäu­de­Technik SGT 2/2007 (Schweiz).
  • Rustige, H. & Nolde, E. (2007). Nitrogen elimi­na­tion from land­fill leachates using an extra carbon source in subsur­face flow cons­tructed wetlands. Water Science and Tech­no­logy, 56 (3): 125–133.
  • Nolde, E. (2006). Grau­was­ser­re­cy­cling als sinn­volle Maßnahme zu sparen. Deut­sche Bauzei­tung 5: 71–75.
  • Nolde, E. (2005). fbr Infor­ma­tion Sheet H 201: Grey­water Recy­cling – Plan­ning basics and busi­ness advice. fbr – German Asso­cia­tion for Rain­water Harve­s­ting and Water Reuse (Ed.), Darm­stadt 2005.
  • Nolde, E. (2005). Grey­water Recy­cling Systems in Germany – results, expe­ri­ences and guide­lines. Water Science and Tech­no­logy, 51 (10): 203–210.
  • Nolde, E. (1999). Grey­water reuse systems for toilet flus­hing in multi-storey buil­dings – over ten years expe­ri­ence in Berlin. Urban Water 1: 275–284.
  • Nolde, E. (1998). Regen­was­ser­nut­zung in Gebäuden – Ein Beitrag zur Abfluss­mi­ni­mie­rung und Redu­zie­rung des Trink­was­ser­ver­brauchs? in Zukunft Wasser – Doku­men­ta­tion zum Sympo­sium zur Nach­hal­tig­keit im Wasser­wesen in der Mitte Europas: 94–97.
